LVS Direct LED Dome Light

AVC Emporium

- These bar lights consist circular rows of large LEDs in an aluminum enclosure - Colors available include white, red, green, blue, UV, Infrared and other special types - Models are available with apertures for linbe or area scan - Simple monting, no extra cooling required - 12 or 24 volt models availavle - Include 50 cm cables with standard SM connectors

*Manufacturer's specifications subject to change without notice.

AVC Emporium/Alternative Vision Corporation has been for over 15 years a distributor of high-performance imaging components and equipment to OEMs and systems integrators. Our current product lines include stock and custom monochrome and color cameras, User-programmable FPGA smart cameras, visible/NIR/SWIR multispectral cameras, vision processors, stock and custom CMOS visible/NIR, color and LWIR image sensors, manual and motorized NIR/SWIR/MWIR/LWIR lenses, laser optics, finite-conjugate optics, optical and imaging system design services, CameraLink, USB 3.0 and GigE camera cables and a selection of unique optical components.
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